
Painless Nail Correction for Ingrown and Involuted Nails

Do You Have An Ingrown Toe Nail?

Signs that may indicate an ingrown/involuted nail include:

Is OnyFix Right For You?

Onyfix uses either a hard or soft composite that is cured by a LED light, which acts like a brace on the nail. 

This ensures that the nail remains in the correct shape as it grows from the base of the nail until the end.

The Onyfix will grow with the toenail and help the toenail grow in the correct position. 

Before application: 

- Remove all nail polish, shellac and artificial nails

After application:

Suitable for:

NOT Suitable for:


Onyfix Application - $80

This application is for 1 Toenail and does not include foot care. 

*Note: additional bands are $60 each.

FootCare Visit + Onyfix Application - $125

In home foot care and the application of 1 OnyFix band.

*Note: Additional Onyfix bands are $60